A Comment On The ’08 Bailouts
(ON THE NEED TO ATTACH STRINGS) BACKGROUND: Since the fall of ’08, there has been a well-meaning yet very mis-led […]
(ON THE NEED TO ATTACH STRINGS) BACKGROUND: Since the fall of ’08, there has been a well-meaning yet very mis-led […]
OPENING REMARKS: The American reluctance to embrace mass transit in the form of public, high-speed, mag-lev rail-lines (PHMR) is […]
The ideology / movement that goes by the name “Neoliberalism” is characterized by 10 telling features. It thrives within the […]
Neoliberal ideology (i.e. free market fundamentalism) invokes ersatz-principles that are covertly pernicious and blatantly duplicitous. The ideology is based on […]
1 Marginal progressive taxation fetters innovation. That is, taxing high incomes at a higher rate (marginally) than lower incomes somehow […]
OVERVIEW: Additional ways to deconstruct Neoliberal Newspeak involve exposing the ersatz virtues that are often touted in right-wing […]
Corporatism can be defined as State-corporate collusion. In other words, it is the process by which politicians within government collude […]
DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE: THE NEXUS OF ARISTOTLE & RAWLS: According to what basic principles should opportunity and power be distributed? The […]
The explanation offered by the right wing (i.e. the corporatists) for the 2008 financial collapse was a tour de force […]
THE NEOLIBERAL MILLERITES: A HOST OF HARRY CAMPINGS In 1994, a con-man named Harold Camping predicted that the “Armageddon” mentioned […]