A Tale Of Two Debacles
In the United States, much societal dysfunction is clothed in pseudo-Progressive garb. Alas, such “woke” Neoliberalism has served as an […]
In the United States, much societal dysfunction is clothed in pseudo-Progressive garb. Alas, such “woke” Neoliberalism has served as an […]
Welcome to the Capitol Grill. Our eclectic menu offers a vast assortment of innovative cuisine. Aperitifs are complimentary; and appetizers […]
Fascism–in its myriad incarnations–has a long history. While tyranny goes back to Sargon of Akkad (arguably the first bona fide […]
If those who are not ideologically-committed to the ultra-right-wing want a desirable outcome in the 2020 presidential election, it is […]
THE PREDICAMENT: The first paragraph of Ernest Becker’s Pulitzer-Prize winning masterpiece, The Denial of Death, reads: “In times such as […]
“You know something, Stu? Politics is just like show business.” –Ronald Reagan (to Stuart Spencer, of California marketing firm, Spencer-Roberts) […]
The morning after his Florida primary victory, Willard Mitt Romney stated on CNN: “I’m not concerned about the very poor.” […]
Mitt Romney thinks that people talk about inequality because they are “envious” of people like him. One can’t help but […]
INTRODUCTION: Two of my favorite philosophers, Arthur Schopenhauer and (the early) Ludwig Wittgenstein, did not like those whom they dubbed […]
In Federalist #1, Alexander Hamilton warned us about charismatic pariahs who vociferously claim to want to protect our “rights”, yet—eventually—only […]