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About Mohammed II: Debunking Three Myths

In part 1 of this series, I explored the hyper-romanticization of Mohammed of Mecca (MoM).  As I mentioned, many who […]

About Mohammed I: A Biopic

I once dined with a Muslim who was visiting the United States from the Middle East.  The topic of Mormons […]


Assessing the meaning of “prayer” is like assessing the meaning of “game”, “success”, or “happiness”: It comes in so many […]

Fiduciary Theology, The Straight Path, And Pre-Destination

Fiduciary Theology: From mice to homo sapiens, we are primarily motivated by a strict regime of punishment and reward.  As […]

Genesis Of A Church

CONTEXT FOR A CRUCI-FICTION: It would be an understatement to say that the 1st century A.D. was a precipitous time […]

The History Of Literature II

Compelling Narrative Vehicles: Certain narrative templates have universal appeal, as they tap into something that is endemic to human nature.  […]

The History Of Literature I

The word “poet[ry]” is derived from the Greek “poieses”, which means the will to create / transform.  When it comes […]

The Many Faces Of Fascism

Fascism–in its myriad incarnations–has a long history.  While tyranny goes back to Sargon of Akkad (arguably the first bona fide […]


The Odious Utility Of Programatic Alterity: Demonization of the other is a paradigm that resonates with all humans; as we […]

The Island

“Faith sees best while in the dark.”  –Soren Kierkegaard “We have fed the heart on fantasies / The heart has […]

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